Found Spaces Property Management Inc Home watch Service Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Home Watch

houses for rent in hamilton mountain, Referral Partners

As a homeowner in the GTA, you know how stressful it can be to leave your property unattended for extended periods. If you are away for extended periods, home insurers may deny your claim if an accident or damage occurs in the home. Found Spaces Property Management Inc can help you document that your property has been monitored while you were away. With Found Spaces, Home Watch Service, you can be sure that your routine home maintenance and security regimens will continue uninterrupted and that any emergencies will be addressed promptly and effectively.

We understand that every property owner has unique needs, we’ll work with you to develop a customized list of services that meet your specific requirements. Whether you want someone to just keep an eye on your home, water your plants, collect and forward you mail, meet with contractors or clear the snow from your front walk and driveway, you can count on Found Spaces Property Management company Home Watch to get the job done.

Home Watch Services

Interior Services

  • Weekly checkup of the unit
  • Weekly inspection on Inspector App
  • Visually checking for leaks in ceilings, under sinks and in appliances that use water
  • Checking electrical service panel for tripped breakers
  • Testing batteries in smoke/carbon monoxide alarms and changing when needed.
  • Checking HVAC air filter and changing when needed.
  • Monitoring thermostat and seasonally adjusting home temperature to clients’ desired temperature
  • Watering indoor and outdoor plants and shrubs
  • Setting and checking all house alarms and surveillance systems before leaving property

Exterior Services

  • Checking for visible signs of water/pest damage.
  • Clearing entrance of newspapers, flyers, junk mail.
  • Confirm lawn and garden are being maintained and snow removal is being done.
  • Visually checking windows and doors for signs of forced entry/vandalism. Ensuring that all are closed and locked.
  • Visually checking roof for plugged gutters/ damaged drain pipes

Arrival Services

  • House cleaning
  • Home freshening
  • House temperature set to desire comfort level
  • Stagnant water circulated
  • Grocery shopping
  • Fresh flowers
  • Customized requests available
Icons of check marks and laurel branches surround a central "5 Stars Rating" badge, highlighting excellence in property management. Logos of The SPEO and Traveller Review affirm the prestige of Hamilton's top-rated services.